NEA Professional Profiles

  Below is a web (HTML) version of Betty C. Estes's NEA Professional Profile.


Betty C. Estes 

Member Status: APPROVED
Member Through: 9/1/2021

Betty Estes has successfully passed the Ethics Check System, NEA’s annual seven-year background checks for membership-disqualifying criminal, civil, and business violations* and has agreed to maintain NEA membership standards.

EthicsCheck System

Betty Estes 

Hixson, TN  37343

(423) 847-6700




Criminal Background Check


Accredited Designation Check


Professional License Check


State Securities Administrators


In addition, the following regulatory agencies have been checked for NEA membership-disqualifying violations.*


Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)


State Departments of Real Estate


State Departments of Insurance


National Association of Realtors (NAR)


Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)


State Association of Realtors (SAR)


State Securities Administrators


State Mortgage License Regulators


State Boards of Accountancy



*For details on NEA membership standards and disqualifying violations, please call us at (800) 282-1831 or go to our website at:




Below is a web (HTML) version of James W. Matthew NEA Professional Profile.


James W. Matthew 

Member Status: APPROVED
Member Through: 9/1/2021

James W. Matthew has successfully passed the Ethics Check System, NEA’s annual seven-year background checks for membership-disqualifying criminal, civil, and business violations* and has agreed to maintain NEA membership standards.

EthicsCheck System

James Matthew 

Hixson, TN  37343

(423) 847-6700




Criminal Background Check


Accredited Designation Check


Professional License Check


State Securities Administrators


In addition, the following regulatory agencies have been checked for NEA membership-disqualifying violations.*


Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC)


State Departments of Real Estate


State Departments of Insurance


National Association of Realtors (NAR)


Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)


State Association of Realtors (SAR)


State Securities Administrators


State Mortgage License Regulators


State Boards of Accountancy



*For details on NEA membership standards and disqualifying violations, please call us at (800) 282-1831 or go to our website at: